


Nils W. Bräm

Curscheglias 6

CH-7424 Cazis


Security note:

Our active business partners and customers receive information such as bank details, tax number, VAT identification number and similar information on our business documents.

You will receive the general terms and conditions together with our offer and before you commit to anything.

At this point we are taking steps to prevent misuse no such data is published.

Likewise, we will never request or request such data in any way unless agreed contractual relationships exist.

Data protection:

We adhere to the applicable data protection guidelines in accordance with EU law / GDPR.

Note on language use:

This site consistently uses the traditional grammatical forms of the German (and other) language.

In principle, all readers are addressed, regardless of their gender, origin or beliefs.

Note on mediation and Integrated Mediation®:

Mediation is a legally regulated procedure in Germany to resolve conflicts or disputes amicably and generally out of court.

I can provide evidence of the relevant specialist knowledge and training requirements.

The activity as a mediator is carried out in individual cases by the mediator announced orally, explained and agreed upon in a written mediation order.

Image rights:

All images used on this website come either from our own private collections or from the following sources: (exclusively cc0 / royalty free) (exclusively cc0 / royalty free) (exclusively cc0 / royalty free) (free images offered cc0 / royalty free)

Severability clause:

Those involved in this site endeavor to control links to external content and not to include links to illegal content.

Should links nevertheless lead to illegal content, in particular as a result of interventions that are not within our sphere of activity, we are not liable for them Content and any resulting consequences.

If we nevertheless violate an existing general rule, we would be happy to ask you to contact us to clarify and resolve the problem.

Without prior amicable contact without obligation to pay, we will generally reject any fee-based or legal claims, especially if they come from a natural person who is not directly affected or legal entity.

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